
Modern dream catcher

Modern dream catcher.

There used to be a time that mothers and fathers would put a dreamcatcher by the window to allow their child to sleep in peace and allow them to develop correctly. This post follows on that theme in relation in what you could do as an adult or for your children. I have experiemented with these techniques and have found in the last month they have brought me a lot of peace.

If you've sought all options to quieten your mind from those that are invading it. Perhaps even polteigeists or evil spirits, thoughts. I used that language because people seem to relate to the topic. For me, I don't believe in those things.

But here is a list of things you can do to protect your brain such that you can lead a positive, bright life.

  1. Use an apple charger plugged into an external battery. Think of this is a crazy tin hat thing. But you only need to wear it once, when you're troubled with whatever you are troubled with. What you do is place it over your left ear. And use a toque or hat if it makes it easier. Do not worry about the electricity in the charger, it doesn't send, until an apple watch is plugged in.

  2. Even putting a pack of chewing gum (foil) in a cap will work. This will be great for kids that perhaps have confusing thoughts or troubled to speak.

It's really important to have healthy clean water. And I've found the water in Canada quite bad. So have always been filtering my water. I use a brita stone magnetic based bottle, but you can get the simple brita one anytime you need. Here is a link.
